Whitening for Life Risk Assessment

Whitening for Life Risk Assessment

Risk assessment involves the comprehensive dental and health challenges that may affect a patient’s immune system and overall health and well-being. Beyond the standard clinical criteria of plaque, calculus, pocket depths, hemorrhage, and active decay and pain, there are other contributing factors that play key roles in the patient’s host modulated response to treatment. A lot of things come together in order to cause the discoloration of teeth, and even though at times it’s just one primary cause which stains them, we’re mostly talking about more than one factor. The prediagnosis discovery phase demands a more refined level of skill for proficiency. Just as technology and research have advanced in the periodontal realm, so have advances occurred in the restorative and esthetics arenas of the dental practice. Call a dentist if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth. Any change in a child’s normal tooth color should be evaluated by Whitening for Life. Therefore, to provide comprehensive support for patients, the hygienist is required to learn new “prediagnostic” skills as well as advancements in case presentation skills. The office philosophy has always set the parameters for the skills necessary for hygienists to support their patients in comprehensive care.

Some lucky people are genetically programmed to have bright, white teeth while others do not says Whitening for Life. One of the most significant opportunities for dental hygienists has come through a revitalization of their entire professional career. Hygienists can now embrace a new scope of practice and elevated standards of care supported by the current advances in research, technology, and evidence-based science. The treatment of Intrinsic stains is more complex than the Extrinsic stains. More than ever before, the role of the dental hygienist is key to the success of the dental practice! We all love that flawless stainless smile with clean and healthy teeth. The various causes could be connected with ones diet, poor dental hygiene, various corrective dental treatments or could also be purely genetic. The teeth are involved in all 3 roles, and dental diseases can be a source of multiple problems, including oral and systemic infections and difficulty in chewing, swallowing, or phonation. Tooth discoloration is mainly a cosmetic problem. Cursory familiarity with basic dental anatomy and calcification and with the eruption sequence of teeth is helpful before physical examination.

Whitening for Life Risk Assessment

Symptoms include stains on the enamel. They can range from white streaks to yellow tints or brown spots and pits. If the enamel has worn away, and dentin is showing through, you may notice a yellow tint in the dentin. The majorities of tooth discolorations are extrinsic in nature and appear as brown integuments. Various clinical indices and photometric techniques have been used for the evaluation of extrinsic discolorations. Smoking, tea or coffee consumption and increasing age are promoting factors and such discolorations are frequently seen in connection with oral use of antibacterial plaque-inhibiting mouth rinses. Chemical alteration of the acquired pellicle appears to be the major reason for these brown integuments. Intrinsic types of stains or colorations on the teeth are caused by the underlying/systemic factors which lead to enamel defects explains Whitening for Life. The teeth with Root Canal Treatment, Vital or non-vital pulp are affected. Intrinsic stains that are caused by damage to a nerve or blood vessel in a tooth sometimes can be prevented. You may need to have root canal treatment to remove the inner part of the tooth (the pulp) before it has a chance to decay and darken. However, teeth that undergo root canal treatment may darken anyway. To prevent intrinsic stains in children, avoid overexposure to fluorides.

A regular regimen of dental hygiene involving brushing of teeth well after each meal and on rising in the morning and ongoing to bed, is the best solution that has helped many to get rid of white spots on teeth. This routine would surely heal you to deal both with plaque and fight harmful bacteria that affect teeth and gums. Other reasons for the development of white stains could be at the spots where braces were used for corrective dentistry. This is due to the build-up of plaque at those spots. The use of baking soda to brush your teeth, before normal brushing with toothpaste has helped many find the solution to get rid of white stains on teeth. It is found that baking soda not only helps to whiten the whole teeth, but also normalizes the color. Our need to know how to get rid of white stains on teeth involves understanding that neither do teeth stains arise overnight nor they can be corrected immediately. Regular brushing of teeth after each meal followed with flossing and mouthwash could help start off the remedial process. However brushing or flossing too hard could also cause harm A periodic dental consultation and cleaning could help. It is best that you realize that eating a lot of acidic foods and drinks could lead to acid reflux and other changes in the amount of minerals in your teeth. This could lead to white stains on the teeth. The method to get rid of white stains on teeth here lies in avoiding or at least minimizing foods and drinks like lemonade, drinks and foods made of lemon and vinegar, vitamin water, soda, pickles and even some sour sauces. Lack of dental hygiene also could cause white stains on teeth.

Whitening for Life Risk Assessment


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  • Posted by Dental-Consultant on August 12, 2012 at 8:03 pm

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  • Posted by Whitening-for-Life on August 12, 2012 at 8:07 pm

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  • Posted by Rembrant_Whitening on August 12, 2012 at 8:27 pm

    Thanks Hygiene Diamonds for the article called: Whitening for Life Risk Assessment