Dental Consultant Discusses White Smile & Healthy Gums

Dental Consultant Discusses White Smile & Healthy Gums

Most hygienists agree that a cleaning consists of scaling and polishing. Some Dental Consultant would add routine assessment of perio and restorative issues, a smile evaluation, oral cancer screening, a blood pressure reading, formal risk assessment and a live video tour of the entire mouth. Others hygienists work with dentists who employ ortho, TMJ or neuromuscular techniques, and request that the hygienist screen these areas. It appears that we are all over the board on just exactly what is included in this one-hour cleaning appointment. If we have such a variety of definitions, just imagine how confused our patients must be. They have no idea what to expect when they see a new hygienist because ‘all hygienists do it differently’. Keeping your teeth means better chewing function and ultimately, better health. Your dentist and hygienist will be able to detect any early signs of problems with your teeth or gums. Early detection of cavities, broken fillings and gum disease are easily treatable. If these problems go untreated, root canals, gum surgery and removal of teeth could become the only treatment options available.

Initial Findings

An adult prophy is that procedure which removes plaque, calculus and stains from the tooth structures, for the purpose of limiting the occurrence or spreading of periodontal disease, in a particular area (not the whole mouth). What if my patient has generalized disease activity and needs more? What if my patient has several areas of inflammation but not generalized? What risk factors have to be assessed? What clinical data must be collected? What parameters qualify the patient for the next level of care? What do I do for this patient today if they choose to come back for more treatment? These are just a few of the questions going through a hygienist’s mind during the screenings included in today’s routine prophy. In only moments, hygienists must gather enough data to make a co-diagnostic treatment plan and choose a treatment path for this patient. In order to choose the appropriate treatment path we must know the patients’ current periodontal condition as well as areas of risk and health history factors. How can this process be made simple, precise and quick? Dental Consultant determine the appropriate treatment path, incorporate five screenings into the first 15 minutes of every recall or continuing care and every perio maintenance or supportive periodontal therapy visit. However, before you begin including these screenings with your routine visits, it is critical to ensure the entire team has a grasp of the benefits of each screening being delivered by the hygienist. The hygienist themselves must also be able to communicate the value in each of the five screenings before providing them for each patient.

Dental Consultant Discusses White Smile & Healthy Gums


Dental Consultant practicing collaboratively with patients and other professional members of interdisciplinary health care teams are prepared to analyze and synthesize patient assessment data as part of the diagnostic process. The dental hygiene diagnosis provides the foundation for the development, implementation and evaluation of the dental hygiene treatment plan. In order to provide comprehensive quality oral health care, it is the professional obligation of dental hygienists to formulate a dental hygiene diagnosis.” In order to quickly and effectively communicate the patients’ current condition and suggested treatment two things must happen. The patient needs to be sitting in a good communication position. Upright with nothing in their mouth and the clinician should rid themselves of barriers (masks, gloves etc) and sit eye-to-eye and knee-to-knee with the patient. Review the screenings, using visual aids, in the order you performed them…typically health history, blood pressure, oral cancer, restorative and perio. Restorative always gets talked about before Perio, otherwise as hygienists we end up in Perio-land. Don’t laugh, you know it happens! In fact we see it with our doctors every day. They come in our room for a recall exam and stay 20 minutes in Restorative-land talking about implants or whatever. So don’t disappoint your doctors. Once you have discussed recommended treatment and asked if the patient is interested in treating the problem(s), answer any remaining questions and signal for the doctor exam. Now you have a perfect opportunity to help the patient with their home care before you recline the chair and clean their teeth.

Regular Checkups

A professional teeth cleaning not only helps to keep your teeth healthy, it keeps your body healthy as well. These days, there are many ways to achieve a whiter, healthier looking smile. Even people with sensitive teeth can take advantage of teeth cleaning for a whiter and healthier smile. It is easy to get your mouth and teeth clean and healthy, and keep it that way. Most children and adults should see their Dental Consultant for a regular cleaning and check up every six months. People at a greater risk for oral diseases should have dental checkups more than twice a year. Tobacco and alcohol use, diabetes, pregnancy, periodontal and gum disease, poor oral hygiene and certain medical conditions are some of the many factors that your dentist takes into consideration when deciding how often you need your dental cleaning and checkup. Going to your regular checkups will help to keep your gums and teeth healthy as well as detect any early problems such as gum disease, oral cancer and cavities. The best way to maintain good oral health is to visit your dentist on a regular basis.

Dental Consultant Discusses White Smile & Healthy Gums

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  • Posted by Invisilign_Corporate on March 17, 2012 at 4:12 am

    Wow… Dental Consultant Discusses White Smile & Healthy Gums Hygiene Diamonds knows there stuff.